Dating tips

  • How to recover after rocky breakup

    26 Apr 2023

    Breakup is always not an easy thing in life, especially a breakup after a long relationship. However, it may happen and the person should realize it is not the end of the world and life is not over. It may be hard, but it is necessary to accept that a new page in life is opened and it depends only upon you and only you how this page will be filled.

    The specialists advise not to start new relationship very soon after the breakup. All together the heart, the body and the mind requires time to have rest and restore. Give them this time and at a certain point you will feel the readiness for new relationships. It is not a bad variant to try dating website. It is less dangerous psychologically, but a good possibility to come back.

  • What do Ukrainian Girls Look for in Guys?

    26 Apr 2023

    An eternal question “what do women really want in a man?” may be answered rather widely on This website has experience in matchmaking activity for more than 10 years. During this time it was possible to explore and determine what exactly Ukrainian girls like in guys, what they want to see in relationships and what traits of character they wish to see in their life partners. This information may be helpful for men in their search, it may give answer why previous attempts were unsuccessful and can motivate male members to change their behaviour and searching strategy towards potential life partner from Ukraine.

  • The best first date questions to ask Ukrainian girl.

    26 Apr 2023

    You hardly meet in the nature a couple of men for whom the first date would not turn into a stressful situation or even a reason for a real panic. No matter how confident communicators they are in business or with their subordinates, the guys feel shy in the face of the first conversation with a beautiful lady.

    And online dating is no exception, as the long experience of UaDreams shows. Our experts are always happy to help you with a kind advice, how and where to start a conversation with a pretty Ukrainianl that impressed your imagination.

  • Who pays on the first date?

    26 Apr 2023

    Who actually should pay for the first date?

    If this question were put, to any person only fifty (or even thirty) years ago, our parents would answer without a minute's hesitation: "Of course man pays! It is a rule!". But several decades passed and the question became debatable. And this dispute is no longer on the field of logic and rigid prescriptions, but in the range of tender feelings.

    As they say, the only much more hurting thing than a money question is a question about dating monetary etiquette. The analysts of UaDreams tried to find out how much this point is important for Ukrainian ladies if it is about the beginning of a serious relationship.

  • How to write your first message when meeting online

    26 Apr 2023


    If you want to start online dating relationships, you need to clearly understand that first impression of you and your personality in online dating is extremely important.

    When you are texting you couldn’t impress a woman by your handsome appearance or deep tone of voice, even you have it. So, in online dating you could use only your first message. How to do it? Let us share with you several useful tips in the next article.