Ivano-Frankivsk marriage agency

There are a lot of magic corners in the world and, without a doubt, one of them is the Carpathians. It is a pearl in the treasure trove of Mother Nature. On visiting our Ivano-Frankivsk region you will be convinced of this – it is a land with unique history and culture and interesting people.

Yaroslav Osmomysl, Danylo Halytskyi, Semen Vysochan, Oleksa Dovbush, Stepan Bandera lived and fought here; Ivan Franko, Lesia Ukrainka, Vasyl Stefanyk, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi created their masterpieces here.

Different ethnic groups, such as Hutsuls, Boikas, Pokutians live in the region. Each one of them has particular language and music features, architecture, and ritualism.

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Mount Hoverla, higher than any other mountain in Ukraine, proudly lifts up its peak. The Prut River waterfalls shine on the slopes of the mountain like a necklace. You will have inexhaustible opportunities to travel in the mountains, raft down the fast waters of the Prut River and Cheremosh River or ski down the snow-white sparkling slopes.

The cleanest spring streams, old fir forests and blooming alp pastures, resorts and mineral waters with curative qualities of the well-known "Narzan" and "Naftusia" await you.

Hospitable hosts will gladly welcome everyone who wants to rest, regain his health, or get a better understanding of this unknown land.

Welcome to the oasis of health - the Precarpathian Region!


The city, named Stanislaviv, was erected as a fortress to protect the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from Tatar invasions. Many times the fortress was besieged by Turkish and Russian troops.

In 1772, after the Partitions of Poland it became a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

During the World War in 1915-1916 there were cruel battles over the city. Part of historic buildings was destroyed and then restored in new architectural forms.In October 1918, the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed, and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR) was proclaimed.

From January to May 1919 the city was the capital of the West Ukrainian National Republic. The same year it was a subject of Polish - Ukrainian skirmishes, and it eventually was annexed by Poland as part of the Second Polish Republic as the capital of the Stanislaviv Voivodship. It was occupied by the Romanian army between May 25 and August 21, 1919.

From 1944, it became part of the Soviet union. The Soviets forced most of the Polish population to leave the city, most of them settled in the Recovered Territories.

In 1962 the city celebrated its 300-anniversary. It was renamed to Ivano-Frankivsk after a famous Ukrainian writer and public figure Ivan Franko who had come here more than once, made good friends, wrote and recited his works.

After the fall of the Soviet union in August 1991, Ukraine gained its independence. And the city became a strong center of the Ukrainian independence movement.

Now Ivano-Frankivsk is a large center of mechanical engineering, wood-processing, chemical and light industry. It is also one of the most important cultural centers of Ukaine.


In all times Ivano-Frankivsk was also a big cultural center.

Every year in August they celebrate a City Day with concerts of folklore and art ensembles. The Christmas parade of verteps (Christmas plays) from January 1 to January 14 on the streets and squares of the city is a spectacular sight.

Also Ivano-Frankivsk is famous for its all-Ukrainian festival of art ensembles "Precarpathian Spring" (in May every year), festival of a national and patriotic song and poetry "Volia" (Freedom) (in October odd years), international festival of metal workers, festival-exhibition of national art (in September every year).


Due to Ivano-Frankivsk geographical position, there is bus and railway communication with Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania and Baltic countries.

Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport, Ukrainian (IATA: IFO, ICAO: UKLI) is an airport bordering Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, some 4.4 km (2.7 mi) by road from the town center. Ivano-Frankivsk airport is an international airport with frontier and customs control since 1992. The airport traffic capacity is claimed to be 400 passengers per hour.

Nowdays it sends everydays flight to Kyiv, two times a week - Italy and four times - to Turkey.

According to the preparation plans for Euro-2012(World Football Cup), from April 2010 Ivano-Frankivsk airport will start to accept and send international flightes of all parts of the world.


The Ivano-Frankivsk Region is proud of its cultural and historic inheritance. 3,5 thousand monuments of history and culture within the region are protected by the state. Such monuments as St. Pantelimon Church near Halych (12 century), Holy Spirit Church with an artistic iconostasis in Rohatyn (14 century), Maniavskyi Skyt (17 century), plus wooden Hutsul and Boiko churches are well-known outside the country.


Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Ethnography and Local Lore Museum was opened in 01.05.1940 in a house on 7 Galitska Str. Here the following departments worked: history, natural, folklore and book depository. The museum of education of Prycarpattya was created in 1980 at the Ivano-Frankivsk state pedagogical institute named after Vasil Stefanyk. Hundred exhibits on the area of 200 sq.m. demonstrate the national education development in the region from times of Kyiv Rus till the present.In «Family professions Museum» there are durably restored plough and harrow, age-old spinning wheel and ceramic crockery, artistic weaving, blacksmith's instruments represented.

The regional Prycarpattya Literary Museum was opened on May, 16, 1986. The display of museum tells about development of literary process of our land from the oldest times to the present.The Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Art Museum is the treasury of fine art of land. Its collection, began in 1980, engulfs unique sights of Halych’ icon-painting and barocco sculpture, works of classics of West-Ukrainian art: Kornil Ustinovych, Ivan Troush, Yaroslav Pstrak, Julian Dan’kevych, Olexa Novakivskiy, Osyp Sorokhtey, Olena Kul’chitska; works of the Ukrainian artists of the second half of the ХХ century, and also works of Polish, Austrian, German and Italian masters of XVIII-XX centuries.



Cosy single room at the hotel or one-room private apartment situated in the city center in the walking distance from the office. It will give you the opportunity to have a rest and think over your future plans.


You don't like silence and you are used to know latest news? Big and soft bed in front of the TV is the best way to relax after the flight.


Are you used to have space around? Would you like to have warm bath after a day full of impressions? You are welcome to feel all the comfort you may need in a single occupancy standard room at the Hotel in the city or private apartment of equal standard.


Do you want to feel like a King who is going to meet his Queen? Your hotel room or best private apartment in the city with all the modern facilities and design will create the atmosphere of luxury!


If you don't like hotels and want to feel more like at home we will provide the apartment for you. One-room appartment with the facilities which are important for you. Don't be shy in your choice! We are able to make your wishes come true!


The climate of Ivano-Frankivsk is continental. Winters are mild with an average temperature in January of –5 C. Summers are warm with an average temperature in July of +18 C. In the Carpathians, the climate is more severe and it changes with the elevation. Average temperatures are lower by 3-5 degrees than in the pre-mountain zone. Such climatic conditions facilitate year-round rest and vacation, as well as treatment. Snow covers the slopes of the Carpathians up to five months of the year, which promotes the development of downhill skiing.

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